Food to me opens up all 5 senses, hearing it sizzling in the pan, touching it, smelling it, tasting it and visually appreciating it. The smell always takes me back and reminds me of events from travels or childhood. Food should be appreciated and always be eaten mindfully. Too often do we sit down with a plate of food on our lap and turn the telly on. If your vision and hearing is focused onto something else, you are not enjoying the food fully. It defeats the purpose of eating a meal that helps nourish you in return. Everyone should apply a bit of mindfulness when eating a meal and in return your mind will clear of any distractions and you will enjoy it much more. Give it a go, turn the telly off, put the phone away and see the difference. I dare you!
I wish to start this blog to inspire other people, to share recipes I discovered and to let you know it’s not that hard. A glass of wine along the way always helps the process and don’t forget to put on your favourite music too. Turn cooking into a fun event that you will look forward to doing after work. And with this, let our journey begin.
Natasa. xx
Looks great! I will be following your food journey closely!