Monday, November 17, 2014

Greek inspired couscous salad with chorizo and squid rings

It's 8:34pm, I'm snuggled on the couch with Bugsy and finally getting down to putting together my latest recipe. Last few weeks have been a whirlwind and I just noticed I haven't posted a recipe in a while. I visited NY recently and my taste buds were open to new experiences. I just couldn't resist the street hot dogs, the large portions of food as well as some fine dining. Lets just say all the food more than made up for the hours of walking I did every day. The next dish is inspired by my awesome couscous I make and tapas style food that I have combined together to make a meal large enough for 4. Anyone that has tried my couscous always comes back for seconds, but here I have decided to add a little Greek twist to it. I love to challenge myself and push further with food. Even if it doesn’t turn out well you can always start again. This is a very simple recipe that only took 40 minutes to do all together. As I always say, multitasking is the key. I never chop and prepare everything 1st and then start making the meal. It very unproductive. This meal is a great example of knowing your veggies, meat and how long everything takes to cook. With this dish, I start of with turning my oven on 220 degrees Celsius, putting my pan on high heat, slicing the onion and then placing in the pan. Onion takes a few minutes to soften and while that is getting done you can start on the next step. Get some baking paper and place your squid rings on the tray and into the oven. Follow the oven instructions on the pack. I usually do 10 minutes on each side. The Panko crumb squid rings from Ocean Chef are just perfect for this dish. I found them to be better quality than some other frozen brands. But if you have more time, you can always crumb your own squid rings.

Now, while that is nicely in the oven, cut up the chorizo and add to the pan. Next step is the couscous. The trick to making couscous is to make it with vegetable stock. It adds another depth of flavour. Let the vegetable stock heat in the microwave. While that is on the go, slice up the capsicum thinly and add to pan.
Check on your squid rings and turn if they are golden brown. Place the couscous in the stock and let sit for 3 minutes. Mix the yoghurt and hot chilli sauce and set aside.
Mix the olive oil and mint through the couscous and add to pan. Mix everything together. I like to use the Gourmet Garden tubes as unfortunately I kill every plant and herb I try to grow.
The squid rings should be ready now. Plate everything up, drizzle with lemon and yoghurt and enjoy. As you can see if you manage all the different processes well, you can substantially cut down the dinner making process. Having said that, if you are not in a rush, feel free to take it easy and enjoy a glass of wine while you are at it.                                                                                                                                         

Greek inspired couscous salad with chorizo and squid rings



1 large brown onion, sliced
360g Pablo crumbed squid rings
1 chorizo sausage, sliced
Olive oil
1 red capsicum, sliced and halved
1tbsp honey
3 cups vegetable stock
1 1/2 cup couscous
1 tsp Gourmet garden mint
5 tbsp fat-free Greek yoghurt
1 tsp hot chilli sauce


1. Pre-heat the oven to crumbed squid packet instructions.
2. Put a large pan on high heat and pour in some olive oil
3. Slice up the onion and put in pan. Turn the heat down to medium.
4. Place a sheet of baking paper and the squid rings on a tray and place in over. Bake as per packet instructions.
5. Cut the chorizo and place in pan with the onion.
6. Place the vegetable oil into a microwave proof bowl and heat on high for 3 minutes in the microwave.
7. While the stock is heating slice the capsicum thinly and in half lengthways. Place in the pan.
8. Once the stock is heated place the couscous in and let it sit for 3 minutes.
9. Mix the yoghurt and hot chilli sauce in a cup.
10. Put the mint in the couscous and 3 teaspoons of olive oil. Mix through with a fork and separate the grains.
11. Put the couscous in the pan and mix everything together.
12. Take the squid out of the oven, plate everything up and serve with a drizzle of lemon and yoghurt.